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Fiasco - Relaxacon 2019

This page is to help sort the info for the two-day 2019 relaxacon held during Friday and Saturday upon 18-October and 19-October in Romulus, Michigan.

Expect frequent construction and changes herein, until and up to the week of the con, I expect.

Draft guide to programming and links roundup is here.

Links are all from FB, including its events page, barring the registration page, which is from Square.

The room reservation block officially opened 13-June-2019: its permalink.  That post includes Accessibility And Food Allergy Report.

There is no hotel code for the room block. 

Hotel is Delta Hotels by Marriott by Detroit Metro Airport.  Hotel map is permalinked here, as is the smartphone scanning code.

Social media tag is #Fiasco2019mi.

Some items to expect for the con, straight from the Square page:
  • Fan Merchandise Room 
  • Room Party Competition 
  • Memorabilia Auction 
  • Gaming and Cosplay tailored environs 
  • Live Music 
  • Film Track

Registrants who prefer paper forms may access them here (its permalink) until 4-October-2019; that is the date your envelope must be postmarked by and includes the $30 pre-reg rate, permalinked.


The 2020 bid party for the new October con will be held at Fiasco, hosted by Jenna and Shalla, noted in song and story for their February Dessert Massacre revels.  Held Friday.

The General Technics party is Saturday night. 

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