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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Just because.

"He must be very stupid," said Ellery.

"Sure," said his father cheerfully. "They're only smart in the fairy tales you write. Now if this were one of your mystery plots, Ellery, you know who'd be the criminal?"

-- from Four-&-Twenty Bloodhounds, edited by Anthony Boucher (Simon & Schuster, 1950).

I love Ellery Queen. The wealth in that little exchange is priceless. I've just begun chasing down Queen stories, so I have a little time before I mine them out.

I recommend that particular volume, as it's a fun concoction of the Mystery Writers of America, back when they were young -- only six years old! -- with John Dickson Carr, Anthony himself, among others. And of course Ellery Queen. :D

Saturday, March 27, 2010

What's signal and what's noise?

I don't have an answer. That's from a Cats Laughing song -- in War for the Oaks by Emma Bull.

But here I store links. Which are both signal and noise; it just depends on the viewer's perception

William brings up where books go, from the New York Review of Books. So far I think my favorite line, in a horrified sort of way, is "the utopian fantasy that in the digital future content will be free of charge and authors will not have to eat."

A discussion about race/whiteness in a newly reviewed book...

Ahhh... technology! How college students got Tweeted -- by their prof!

The Future of Publishing: A really clever video... be strong and listen all the way through. It's worth it; through Moonie.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

After the Ides: March links.

Since I've been behind on blogs lately: A workshop I missed hearing about... in NYC.

And a bunch of other nifty links from Moonie. The Jane Austen one was nifty. :D

I also recommend a standard submission process and what if a submission needs more work?

I cannot believe it's really spring -- I hear it was snowing yestereve in Kansas! Mostly because it's my niece's birthday. I wonder how well she's sleeping? I know her parents and grandparents are... a little light on sleep what with my nephew's extreme youth!

It's been a long week. I hope your weekend's going well.

[Hi, Rachel!!!]

Monday, March 8, 2010

A nameless post...

I don't tend to get over to LJ as much anymore. Some years ago, I did. Once I came home to the Midwest, my life was very different, and so I just don't make it out of Blogger land as often.

But today I did.

Jim Hines talks about Why Advances Matter. Right now he's doing a First Novel Survey. Also note the comments in that -- authors add in things Jim hadn't, and as always, Jim discusses things further.

Something I love about the cool people I know is that they're smart and articulate. Not only do they teach me things, but they can teach you.

And because I adore her, and have come late to this discussion... Pamela Dean talks about her WIP. It grew. It must shrink. Drastically.

Installments: 2100 words; spoilers & of coral made; Chapter Three: catch a falling star; icicles, or 4-6; empty book... as a sparrow sees it; 75%, or twice mown?

I think I would give my firstborn child, had I one, for that two-volume book that will not be.

ETA: Sharyn November's news for teen writers. Guess what? Much of this applies to grownups too. I highly recommend her links to Justine and Scalzi in #5. Remember, just because you know an author/editor, ASK. Don't assume he or she is dying to read your stuff. 'Kay?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March voting...

Pepsi is doing a monthly grant program with Web voting.

John's got a proposal there for OtherWorlds. I noticed a few days ago, but today he's posted about it. :>

And the 2010 Locus Poll is open. Nonsubscribers can indeed vote. Remember that you can write in candidates for 2009 works -- up to five per category.

Go check out the voting on both, eh?