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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Kittens today.

Cheetah is still very snuffly, and sleeps more than his sister, likely due to his awful sinus infection. :/

He likes to cuddle up with people, and/or onto a Soft Place to sleep. To his great delight, I have set up plush throws for him to sleep on the LR couch and the basement futon.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Double cat trouble.

Today my roomie [SL] and I went ostensibly to drop off stuff -- for the barn cats of Saved By Zade, our local cat rescue.

Little Cheetah began smooching my fingers. I thought I was lost, and then some little girls took an interest in his cuddliness. I stepped back, but no... their mom backed out.

Yeah, we came home with two kittens. How did you know? :P :P :P

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Random autumn update--

Normally I post in Septembers past about rate changes. Sometimes I mention other things, like milestones.

But you know what? I began copyediting in 2007. I may post later about milestones, and I may just talk about cons [like CVG or Dublin Worldcon] or my cats, or something else. I don't know yet.

October relaxacon and onward...

Last week, because apparently I cannot control my hypomanic* impulses, I suggested twice that I create a FAQ page for Fiasco 2019... which I keep typing today as Fiascon.  Urm.  Clearly "con" is meant to be part of any con name in my lizard brain.  Figures.

This relaxacon is just Friday and Saturday, 18-October and 19-October, held by Metro Airport.

NOT a weekend-long three-day con.