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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Random autumn update--

Normally I post in Septembers past about rate changes. Sometimes I mention other things, like milestones.

But you know what? I began copyediting in 2007. I may post later about milestones, and I may just talk about cons [like CVG or Dublin Worldcon] or my cats, or something else. I don't know yet.

I've also been hit with various medical issues this year. Last month, I discovered that I had a rare eye disease [a link about its flareups here] and over the summer, my plantar fasciitis returned with a vengeance. Which happens when you walk a lot in convention centers with cement floors...

To help with the various bodily complaints, I got a different car barely 2.5 weeks ago. A 2007 Pacifica with just over 107k miles on't. I lucked out, as older Chryslers of that generation didn't fare too well; there's loads of unhappy customers, about 300k in fact and a failed class action lawsuit!  Mine just wanted a brake job. :D

I feel very lucky with my Seabug. Who, I kid you not, tells me some days he's male and other days she's female. I haven't had a car who did that before. Also, Seabug wants me to get a blue version of Fred Bugg's actual self from Young Justice: Outsiders.  Makes sense!

Anyway, I'll see if I can get back to bed after I take my meds and eat.  I could use more sleep; hot flashes and cranky eyes and spasming hands suck for sleep deprivation.

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