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Monday, September 18, 2017

Recent kitten news.

We got Smoky fixed on 31-August.

He bounced back quickly [of course, being a male cat] and wanted out out OUT. I'd meant to keep him indoors 48 hours, maybe more... but after a full day of kitten-sitting, loosed him two mornings after his surgery. I think Gatito and I were both tired of his temporary imprisonment by then!

Or as SL put it, "Kitten says to other cats through doorwall: 'My humans are broken, I don't know why they aren't letting me out.' " { And he makes a sad face. }

Dingdong pawed the doorwall several times during the kitten's imprisonment; DD had missed his playmate just as much as Smoky missed his Buddy. Awwwww.

Feline news: summer.

We got Sweetpea spayed in July. THAT was an adventure!

Short version: I had to get her a cone of shame. Sweetie did NOT like that. But being trapped in the house was what she hated the most. My poor baby. 8(

May post about it at some point...

Gatito, our Smoky-kitten, became friendly and then affectionate during the summer... now he is an indoor-outdoor cat. (AND a lap cat!) I don't think Tiny Cat even realizes how much more he stays inside.

He can sleep in the house, where it's cooler during the day... and where the monsters aren't invading his space at night. Lately Smoky has been trying to explain to us how he should be allowed to roam free at night. Like he does during the day -- when he mostly sleeps, fwiw.

Saturday he became five months old.

Smoky is the chattiest cat we have. The little purrball. :D He will mrrrrrrrrow at you when he doesn't want to be picked up, among other vocalizations. 8)