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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Some tidbits from Twitter, and Worldcon.

I'm back from Worldcon/Chicon 7!  Had such a fantastic, brilliant, amazing and lovely time.

No InterWeb (even Twitter!) was harmed by me during the convention either.  Amtrak did not purchase wifi for Michigan trains; so I couldn't Tweet, which is likely a good thing, as I had a comfortable coze on Thursday with friends en route, and rested a bit on my Monday train returning. 

Interview with Strange Chemistry

Winners of the 2012 Hugo and Campbell awards per Locus.  I got to tell Neil Gaiman congrats in person (Sunday) as well as SF Signal's John DeNardo (Monday). 

Jim Hines and Locus also won Hugos; I saw the Hugo that Cat Valente had won with her comrades at SF Squeecast.  Begorrah!  'twas lovely.  So was the one IFO George RR Martin and his companion Monday. 

Huzzah to all the Hugo winners and to the nominees.  You are all mighty damn fine people. 

The 2012 Hugo looks like it has fairy wings, if a rocket could have fairy wings that matched it and yet made you think this gorgeous thing was delicate (it is not!), so whatever you do, don't try hoisting the Hugo by its base wings.  Me:  Someone take this, it's heavy!

Professionally Speaking by Neil Clarke.  Citizen: ah, yes.  I need to become a Clarkesworld citizen; have you??

Besides, you can never have too many Robot Overlords.  :D   =cough cough Angry Robot=

From Writer Beware, 7 Freelance Writing Scams and How to Fight Them.

There will probably be a Worldcon 2012/Chicon 7 post here eventually.  Okay, several. 

I did write up a brief journal during the con, and a longer one on my tablet yesterday, once I got onto the train.

No promises, I am a laggardly soul.  :)  Also, I have many many Chicon stories to tell now.  I shall take a long while to tell them all, so do trust me on this -- if on nothing else.  :D

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