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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Coolness, NYCC, publishing numbers: also cake.

Jim Hines on Cool Kids in sf/f.  Fascinating.

Kameron Hurley gives us the Cold Publishing Equations: Books Sold + Marketability + Love.  This is important, new writers!  READ HER EQUATIONS.  They will help you.

Really, grasshopper, I joke not.

And yes, this includes anyone who feels that self-publishing makes it All Different.  It really does not, not if you didn't do all the things professionally and did not happen to know how to do them either.  This is no judgment:  everyone learns.

Remember, do not quit your day job.  No, really.  There is a reason that many authors have day jobs -- meaning most authors, or nearly all authors.  Or they have supportive families, or spouses/partners.

Not everyone is like Larry Niven, who had a trust fund to live off when he started writing.  (Think he said it took a decade to get published.)  Not making that up either, Larry tells about it himself in various essays.

If you're in NYC, go ask some authors about the real numbers.  About how writing is not typically a living wage -- nor is editing, for that matter.

Tor authors will be at the NY Comic-Con.

Also refer back to Jim's post (above) about cool kids; today's comments there point out what the life of the very successful author is like, which is unlike most authors' lives.  At all.

Because it's my birthday this month.  Why not have cake?

This is my eighth year freelancing too.  Definitely deserves electronic cake!  Hulk agrees.  Do not argue with Hulk.  You know how he'll respond...

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