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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Beads 'n' beadery!

I like beads.

Several years ago, a dear friend taught me how to make a beaded rose. (English style.) Later on, I found another pattern, which I called the "cabbage rose" -- its leaves are shaped differently.

I made a lot of roses. Red, black, silver (hi, Corwin!) -- yellow, lavender, blue. Green, white, even an eldritch Colour out of Space rose.

Seed beads. Got lots!

We just stocked up, so to speak. The bulk of my beads and supplies are in storage, trust me. Here at home I lacked blue beads until we went bead/craft shopping Monday.

Today my sweetie ordered a few bead books for me, and then bead supplies... including some bead types (tila, brick, duo/twin) that I hadn't used before. Then we went out, and he noodled around in electronics while I looked at the craft section.

They were doing a clearance on beads, and lacked even a rudimentary bead section, unlike the past.

I came home with all sorts of shinies. Tools. A bead spinner; I've never had one of those before! Also my first-ever strands -- of lovely hematite, blue-purple crystals, and a triad of matte blue opaques. =frown= Tomorrow I may go back for the purple crystals, they were very attractive.

I got a wooden bead loom for Christmas, and I've been wanting a new GOOD loom for ages. It is awaiting me, my beads, and a needle that accepts thread, by Ghologosh. =mutters=

My holdup's been the right thread, which I hope we've finally solved!

Years ago, I discovered bead weaving, and how one could make little bead purse-pouches. They're much like amulet bags in size. I wanted to make one, but it's harder without a loom.

I have other projects, some for loom, some not, that I'm fired up about now... not to mention that maybe, just maybe, I could get to that bead bonsai tree. Or find a new one. :)

And yes, if you're wondering... I suspect the new med is helping with my motivation/energy. Granted, I've been excited about beads for a good thirteen years now, and I want to make Things. Ways to make them faster attract me.

After all, I quit cross-stitch because it's slow. 8)

Time's up. I've written enough for now, so off to bed. Sweet dreams!

Postscript: The Twelve Days of Christmas are nearly up; Twelfth Night is nigh; huzzah for the weekend that approaches on snowy cat feet... I hope I get to dance this weekend. Lord, I've missed SCA dancing.

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