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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Short break for Cabin Pressure.

Quotes in Tweets provided by the ever brilliant Cabin Pressure transcriber, Ariane Devere, over at the Cabin Pressure Fans site.

"This week, Abu Dhabi."

Monday, September 29, 2014

Depression: Robin, James, and me.

Robin Williams's death: a reminder that suicide and depression are not selfish by Dean Burnett.  This is a great piece, and if you don't understand depression, do read it.  If you think suicide is selfish, do read it.

And if you want to understand me, or anyone who is depressive, again... please read it.

Lynn Flewelling also blogged about depression and Robin Williams.

This is about Robin, who died, and James, who got married Saturday (see post on my SH fan blog) and mostly me.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

ConClave's in a fortnight.

Please note two updates to this page, marked by the ETA.

I'll be at ConClave October 10-12, 2014 -- it's at ConFusion's Dearborn hotel.

ETA 29-Sept-2014:  Here's the Clave Facebook page.  The programming track is here (subject to changes, as always); and yeah, that Copy Editor Q & A on Friday night is me.

The Dorsai and crew run a nice little con.  I had a lot of fun last year, and usually do, since Clave is one of my hometown cons.

The writing track looks pretty interesting.  I'm also keen because Kelly McCullough, who wrote the fantastic WebMage series, is the GoH.

The Webmage series is full of awesome.  I'm horrified that Goodreads fans have barely quoted any of it, frankly.  Slackers.  OTOH, some of the best bits aren't one-liners.

I have to lay hands on his other books sometime soon.

September 2014 update.

Almost every year I write a post about September being my anniversary month... and this marks the seventh year of my freelancing as a copy editor.  How's that?

Working from home limits your in-person social interactions -- no workplace with people you see every day -- and that lack has affected me whenever I was depressive.  Like now.

I need to make various changes so my career and my business both continue successfully.  And I want to be healthy.  I don't want depression or anything else to bog me down.

You can tell a bit about my life and my health by my blogging.  That goes up and down -- sometimes because I'm busy, sure.  In September 2013 I wasn't depressive.  I was motivated and that's part of why so many posts happened.

Normally I'm extremely motivated (Kevin Maroney once said I was "made of energy") so this has been a major problem during 2014.

You need motivation to do simple everyday things, but also for complex tasks like running a business.

Saturday, September 27, 2014


NASFiC 2014, or DetCon1, was lovely.  (NASFiC only happens whenever North America loses the bid for Worldcon, btw.)  DetCon was the eleventh NASFiC.

I keep writing it as "Detcon" and having to correct it.  Apparently my mind palace has it That Way.

The Ren Cen was a worse maze than I remembered, and it's one of only three con hotels that have been possessed of a glyph of confusion.  At least for me.  Except that I think the Ren Cen actually has multiple glyphs...

I'm sorry that I didn't see many costumes, but then that happened at Chicon 7 as well.

Bernadette Bosky, one of the Fan GOHs, enjoyed the con too.

Jim Hines:  Flickr of DetCon1 pics.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Thinking about the changes.

Why the Web Won't Be Nirvana from Newsweek in 1995.  Which I found via The Brief History of Social Media.

Aside from a few bits repeated in the latter, it's very interesting.

Particularly at how the counts are rising.  Facebook's ten years old as of this year.  So it may be on its way out, you know.

If you don't believe me, consider its predecessors.  Remember MySpace?

John Scalzi pointed out that websites don't last forever.  That's why LiveJournal isn't the only blogging site people use.  It's also why he has his own place on the Internet, and recommends authors get their own.  Fads change.

Alas, I couldn't find that post.