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Sunday, August 25, 2019

Weirdness medical: o_o

~~ Weirdness medical: the details ~~

A few mornings ago [Thursday?] I had odd numbness. I get the usual stuff everyone does -- feels like you slept on your arm. Normally it's my right hand, sometimes left also or instead.

Numb fingers have been waking me up nearly every day for weeks now. Sometimes it happens in the middle of the night, a change from the hot flashes*. :/

But the odd kind was the normal "gone numb" feeling first... which then went to another LEVEL of numbness. I don't know how to explain it better than "It felt bubbly" -- just like carbonation!! -- which is frickin' surreal.

~~ Weirdness medical: the backstory ~~

At the law firm where I worked in 1989, I reached too far for a file and got a pinched nerve in my neck. Right side.

I had physical therapy back in '89. [Hated the ectoplasm, loved the massage, mmmm.] Nothing more troubled me til late 2003. But that's another blog post.

The second car accident in 2015 put me into a double regimen: MAT / muscle activation therapy combined with chiro. Weekly. The one was out of pocket and therefore reimbursed [such fun that was!] while chiro was covered under health insurance.

In '16, the specialist said I might have fibromyalgia... but not TO ME.  Oh no, heaven forfend! =eye rolls= He put it into his written report.

Sure, it was for my auto insurance -- who wanted to stop paying on my claim for weekly sessions. But was there some reason that doctor could not say, "And hey, you might want to ask your own doctor to look into this?"

What if I was the kind of person who didn't read the documents later on?????

~~ Weirdness medical: the griping ~~

It's great that my GP's office says I failed the carpal tunnel test and therefore still lack that, but I'd like to know just wtaf I do have.

Numbness since gorram 2008, and that's way past the "golly, it takes the medical complex about 7 years to figure out your ailment" sell-by date. It was not carpal then; it isn't now. And my GP is far more interested in my (probable) arthritis** starting than this!

BUT -- and this is a big thing -- again, doctors from 2008+ should have been able to figure out what else is going on. If that's it, seriously, was it super hard to know more? Really? 

And you know, I STILL do not have the EEG test results from 2017. Which I attempted to pick up a few weeks back. Instead, I was given a bunch of b.s.

I will make a post about that later on, I think.

~~ Weirdness medical: the footnotes ~~
  • * I haven't happily had any hot flashes until yesterday. Dunno if this was a gift from stopping my secondary meds [maybe?] or my body too stressed to do't, or the fact that I am entering menopause from perimenopause... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • ** 2) I saw my GP to discuss whether I might have arthritis. I've had randomly appearing bumps on my knuckles since, urm, 2012? Give or take a little. When resident asked, quite boggled, "But you haven't asked about this in seven years?" I just told him it didn't hurt.

Poor floop. Too much to unpack right there for him, but dude: when you are poor, you have to manage your resources. I.,e.: Does {whatever} hurt? Does it make tasks harder to do, or your life more complicated? Have you got a workaround? Do you have time to address it? Do you have the money?  

Until this February, when I accidentally whacked my index finger, nope, didn't hurt. Then that little lump began appearing and/or hurting randomly, and its little lump is still there. A bump from six months ago ought to be long healed! 

Sometimes my GP's office is brilliant, and sometimes... I wish I could express to them that some of us really really REALLY do not want more medications. I do not want to chance them screwing up my Tegretol. It has served me well these 27 years. 

They can tell me to go swimming as my solution to gaining weight and arthritis and sh!t. Srsly, people! You try living on a bucket of meds. It ain't fun. I don't; I just know people who do. 

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